Cuti sem? What-to-do list

Assalamualaikum :))

“There’s some days I feel like just want to stay invisible. So that people won’t judge me. They’ll never see me. My flaws. My mistakes.”

Hi guys !
Been a long time rasanya I didn’t post anything. Aigoo mahap lah. And my last entry tu. Hiks. Rasa macam ter-over pulak en. Sorry for that. And tbh aku rasa macam nak delete je that entry. Too much revealing myself. WEIRDLY WEIRD.
Okay eat that up lets talk about something else.
Anyone realize that it has been 2 weeks since final is over? Haha I bet you aren’t. Because time flies soooo fast when we’re having fun / taking break / rest / escape from study and etc. But. Yes, but, aku rasa, “Okay I’ve took enough rest. Lets wake up and do something!”. Sebenarnya aku pun masih tak tahu nak buat apa cuti ni. Well I do have a few things across my mind. Tapi kemalasan menguasai. Haishhhhh.

  • belajar memasak 

Well aku takde lah kira kosong terus dalam bab masak-memasak ni. In fact, during weekday I am the one who prepares lunch for the whole family. Tapi masak yang ringkas-ringkas je lah. Till now, aku ada lah jugak try few new recipes. Belajar daripada Internet je lah hehe. Bagi aku, masak dessert is the best. Sebab they’re sweet and sodapppppp yumyum. Dan sebenarnya aku suka ber-eksperimen dengan bahan-bahan yang ada. I like to add up new ingredients and try them out! The outcome.. Kadang-kadang ada je yang tak jadik. Yelah tengah belajar kan hewhew. 
I. Made. This. Wuuwuwuwuuu ;)

  • buku

Yeah. One, novel-novel yang aku beli masa Big Bad Wolf last year. Sadly, ada je lagi yang aku tak habis baca. So this break is my chance to finish it ohyeahh. And jangan lupa, buku Penenang Jiwa tu pun aku tak habis baca lagi. Dan kitab Tafsir Quran by Prof Dr. Hamka, I really like to challenge myself to finish it. Khatamkan. And there’s also some motivation book yang aku tahu beli je, baca tak geti. Haihh. Phew. Man, this is huge. Banyak gilaaaa waa :O 

  • sastera

Sila ketawa. Maigawdd. Heh but anyway I loike this one ok. So of course this will go in my list. Aku suka menulis. Rasa macam satu kepuasan lepas dah siap tulis. Mostly aku suka tulis sajak. Hoho. Actually I am looking forward to write a short story and inshaaAllah there’ll be one. Poem? Heh there’s countless that I’ve wrote. *Mood berlagak is activated* Bila masa pulak aku tulis? Haa that’s my secret haha. Actually since aku ni jenis yang suka study malam-malam. Sampai pukul 2-3 pagi. Nak pulak aku memang akan bukak tingkap. Nak kata takut, so far okay je. Bukan apa, aku suka tengok luar. Suka tengok cahaya lampu, stars, moon, birds’ chirping. Aku kan pencinta alam :p And that all contributes to my poem production woaaa. Dah penat study, I will take 10-minutes-break and taraaa tulis sajak. And aku tak suka kasi orang baca apa yang aku tulis. Tak kira la sajak ke, esei ke, hape ke. Okay cemni, aku okay je kalau orang baca tapi jangan baca depan mata aku. Baca lah celah-celah mana asalkan aku tak nampak sudah. And then nak komen, okay je. It just aku tak suka tengok reaksi orang and I know based on their face expression, I can tell you my writing is good or plainly bad. Whether they like it or not. Nanti aku akan terasa sendiri hukhuk.

  • language[s]

Aku nak sangat belajar bahasa lain. Tapi takdak kawan nak teman. Cheh dasarrr. Haruslah. Kita sememangnya memerlukan teman for everything. So I’ll figure that out by myself then. Next.

  • DIY room decor

Oleh sebab aku dilahirkan dengan rasa ingin tahu dan rasa ingin ber-eksperimen itu sangat kuat, aku rasa macam nak buat je DIY home décor ni. Senang pun senang. Tapi one big problem, aku tak jumpa hot glue gun aku kat mana. Takpelah, gam gajah pun boleh. Later on, maybe, if and only if aku rajin, aku akan buat special entry on this. Acewahhh.
aghhhh dream room ! >0<

So that’s it. So korang penuhkanlah masa cuti ni dengan benda-benda yang berfaedah. I’ve learnt my lesson from my past SPM-break yang hampeh. So this time I will do better. Maybe like...

See ya next time. Bye.

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