Kejuruteraan Kimia dan Bioproses

Assalamualaikum semua :)

As we all know, UPU's result was available on last Tuesday (yesterday). Some get their first option, and some may get 'kos lelong' and some get their kind-of-unexpected option.


Firstly Alhamdulillah because at the end, dapat jugak masuk universiti. Lepas jugak fasa-fasa yang penuh dengan kegilaan di asasi. Walaupun keputusan semasa di asasi tidak lah segempak mana, but at least i went through it. Okay lah tu kan hiks.

So apa yang aku dapat?

As in the tittle, Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering. Masa first aku check, mak ai gugur jantung. Kau gila apa dapat engineering?! Ni memang hulur kepala rela hati kena penggal ke macam mana. I never like Physics and Chemistry since high school. Ironically, i got this course for degree. Pegh. Gila.

One thing that crossed my mind yesterday, "Boleh tak ek nak tukar course?" But then, i felt like, "Hm tak payah lah. He gave you this for reason." And i really like to know for what reason it is for me untuk tercampak dalam course ni. Ada hikmah semua ni.

Dapat tahu je result, aku pun mula lah men-Google. Sungguh aku cuak dengan hasil peng-Google-an aku. Tapi takpe, lets challenge myself. Dah lama sangat diri ni kena manja. Semasa asasi dulu, siapa suruh belajar main-main. Haa kan dah. Ok ok.

Lets do the best in degree! Jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam dah la.

See ya :)

p/s: Guys, wish me luck. I'll need that.


Nur Sabrina Malizah said...

nice one kak :D hope u will successful with ur choice okay. Amin ((:

Nabilah Superto said...

@Sabrina : Thanks ! :*

Unknown said...

Bleh tak awk nk minta lbih details tntg course nih.. Subject n so on

Nabilah Superto said...

@Unknown Boleh boleh :) You can email me at and I'll share whatever I can about this course.