Stop and Look Back


Life is getting tougher isn’t ? Oh well maybe it just me. 

Tiba-tiba, hidup aku macam jigsaw puzzle yang dah bersepah. Semuanya berterabur. Dan aku terpaksa cantumkan kembali kepingan yang hilang. *take a deep breath* Aku tak tahu kenapa.

Tiba-tiba rasa macam lost sekejap.  Rasa macam, 
Eh apa aku tengah buat ni ? What the heck am I doing with my life ? The purpose of living and studying and even breathing ? What the…” 

Allahuakbar. On that moment, I know I’ve to look back and search what’s missing…

Mission : complete your life's jigsaw puzzle

“ And He it is who accepts repentance from His slaves, and forgive sins, and He knows what you do” (42:25)

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